Welcome to OpenCures

A faster Intervention Development Research Ecosystem.

OpenCures is a hybrid for-benefit enterprise that partners with a 501c(3) charity, OpenCures Access, to create a multipronged strategy to accelerate the development of health technologies through collaboration.

Together with our partners, including many individuals as well as longevity clinics, laboratories, biohacker communities, AI companies, scientists and research organizations we create an integrated network of services to connect the need of the customer for health technologies to their development in order to minimize time to their availability.


Less Time
to Market

By innovating with a focus on the development cycle as a whole, we significantly reduce the time to develop and implement new interventions.


Data Sets

Our collaborative approach ensures the generation of rich, impactful data sets that accelerates the science of longevity by orders of magnitude


Empowering the Consumer

Participants are empowered to take an active role in their health journey, contributing to and benefiting from the research in which they participate.

Why we need a paradigm shift for longevity science

Learn more about why todays research stakeholders fail at longevity

Big Pharma and Priority Challenges: The focus of big pharmaceutical companies is predominantly on patentable molecules. This often sidelines potentially more effective nutritional or lifestyle interventions that cannot be patented, even if they prove more beneficial.

Healthcare Data Accessibility Issues: Hospitals and healthcare providers isolate their data due to privacy regulations and fears of data breaches. This isolation severely limits researchers' access to crucial data, hindering advancements in medical research.

Individuals with Limited Engagement: The current healthcare system often delivers a frustrating user experience, leaving individuals feeling disempowered and disengaged. This lack of engagement diminishes the potential for consumer-driven healthcare improvements.

Research Funding Challenges: Researchers frequently find themselves in a relentless pursuit of funding from sources that may prioritize interests other than efficient and innovative science. This environment stifles the exploration of broad scientific questions and the discovery of 'unknown unknowns'.

Profit-Driven Commercial Interventions: Commercial intervention companies are constrained to develop only those methods that promise substantial profits. This focus limits the scope of research and development to commercially viable products, often at the expense of potentially groundbreaking but less profitable solutions.

Government Recognition and Support: The government often overlooks aging as a critical area of health that could be addressed more cost-effectively compared to the current healthcare expenditures, missing opportunities for significant public health advancements.

The emerging transformation of healthcare and research

Intervention Development Cycle

The Optimized Intervention Development Cycle.

Imagine a system where this cycle progresses seamlessly, with minimal friction, accelerating the pace at which new interventions are developed and introduced.

Individual Participation: Individuals monitor their health metrics and intervention outcomes, actively contributing data to the ecosystem.
Professional Involvement: Health professionals collect samples and provide personalized care protocols during regular health visits.
Research and Discovery: Researchers access this de-identified data to generate new insights.
Translation of Insights: These new insights are then converted into practical, testable interventions.
Iterative Improvement: Individuals apply these new interventions, providing feedback and data that fuel the next cycle of innovation.
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The First OpenCure: Plasmalogen.

Plasmalogen is an essential phospholipid building block for cell membranes and required for healthy neuronal function. Plasmalogens are largely produced by the liver and muscle and like many beneficial things, it declines with age. Plasmalogen levels are a better predictor of dementia and mortality risk than APOE status as revealed in a study using the community-based approach in the lab of David Bennett of Rush University.

Unbiased data from this community-oriented longitudinal study led to the development of an orally bioavailable plasmalogen supplement which is undergoing further human trials to explore its protective effects against multiple age-related conditions.

Peripheral Ethanolamine Plasmalogen Deficiency: A Logical Causative Factor in Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia (published in the Journal of Lipid Research)
Relation of Serum Plasmalogens and APOE Genotype to Cognition and Dementia in Older Persons in a Cross-Sectional Study (available on PubMed)
Bryan Johnson recently added Plasmalogen into his protocol (as posted on X (Twitter))
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Let's minimize time to new treatments together.
Partner with us.

We are actively looking for individuals or entities that want to contribute and help to build our vision of the optimized intervention development cycle. 

Are you a research organization, health professional, laboratory, software or product engineer, volunteer or any other individual or organization moving in this space? Don't hesitate to reach out!

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Contact Info

OpenCures Inc.

1530 Center Rd., Suite 14
Novato, CA 94947
+1 415-500-1377
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